Thursday, October 10, 2013


I loved Daniella Perri’s photographs.  Professor, you said it was too dark, but I personally liked the dark feel the photograph gave.  The close-up of the photograph and the settle darkness gave an overall relaxed and musical feel to the photograph.  To mean the picture reminds me of nights that I would spend with friends and cousins in the summer and some would play the guitar and just having the photograph having that “darkness” reminds me of those nights.  I also loved the photograph with the shades of the window.  I kind of connected the guitar and the window in the same room, with the same darkness. The only difference was the window gave off a glow which made it different from the guitar photograph, but I loved that one! I also enjoyed Mike Di Gioia’s photograph of the restaurant. You said that you didn’t like the car, I kind of like the “real” feel to the photograph that the car gives. I think I would of liked it more if the car had some movement, like some blur to it showing it was continuing, it would of made me like the picture more.  To me diner and restaurant pictures remind me of old school photographs and I personally like them. I think if they are taken at night time with the bright neons that reflect off the building, make it an awesome shot! Lastly I liked Nicole Cartier’s picture of the bird.  You said that it was an ok picture and that it was in a man made space which made it better, but I personally enjoyed it. The colors of the pictures blended well.  To me the only thing with the photograph was the lighting, I think if there was some change in lighting I would of like it more.

1 comment:

  1. Ok I can see where it could remind you of that but would love have seen some crisper highlights so it looked like a well exposed picture of a dark lighting and love it even more if there was more in there to suggest people playing music on a summer night.

    Didn't love the car nut my real issue was that the building was cropped off. Sure I also enjoyed the color and a more complex lighting could have made the bird picture more exciting for sure.
