Thursday, September 26, 2013

I chose Tereza Vlckovà’s photograph A Perfect Day, Elise...  I find this photograph quite vivid.  To me it resembles something like Peter Pan.  It reminds me of a child's childhood.  What is unique though, Vlckovà’s subject does not seem to be a child, yet an adult/young adult.  The background is a beautiful green landscape.  I find it interesting that the photographer made the girl in the photograph fly into the photograph (where we see her feet in the front and we do not see her face).  Also she, Elise (maybe) is exalted with happiness and is finally on the right track in life.  I noticed also that she is flying into the green vivid land and “flying” away from the old burnt grass.  Also since her shadow is on the old burnt dried up grass, it can represent her leaving the old her and starting something new.  The picture overall also seems somewhat angelic, the way she is “flying away”, her dress and hair do not seem to be in movement and the overall movement of the picture seems flawless.
I also wanted to chose a different photograph because I liked this one a lot.  It is a photograph from Hendrik Kerstens called  Sunburnt. It is of a girl standing in the center of the photograph with a blue background.  This picture reminds me of the pains of summer, the sunburnt that keeps you awake at night, and not even ice helps.  Kerstens captures the facial expression of the girl in a way that she seem in pain yet also angry (like she hates summer). Her arms are crossed signifying annoyance and anger (either from summer or from the sunburnt, or maybe she’s angry from a vacation she had to go on with her family). Kerstens also plays with contrasts, the red burnt skin, with the healthy white skin, contrasting the blue background.

1 comment:

  1. Nice flying away towards the green grass moving on to something new like being able to fly? I do have a hard time looking at it and not seeing the model hitting the ground but maybe that just paint me as a pessimistic. Also any part of you suspects the sun burn is being faked? Or is she asking people to get burned? or just met some one sunburned?
