Thursday, September 12, 2013


Hey class !

My name is Maria-Francesca Gaccione, but I only use Francesca. I am a Senior here at MSU and my major is Italian.  My mom and dad are both italian which is the reason I decided to major in Italian, but also because I love the art and culture in Italy.  Each time I visit family in Italy it leaves me in awe.  I love everything about Italy, the food (obviously), the culture, the history, and the art.  I also love to travel and last year I studied abroad.  I was able to take so many pictures there, but none were 'WOW'.  Also I was able to meet a female italian photographer from Florence. She is now in her 70's, but her photography made me want to learn more.  She said that you don't need a fancy camera to take a good picture, but how you take the picture.  She said she likes to only take one picture, rather than 2,000, like many of us do.  That is my goal and it is one of the main reasons I am taking this course.  I want to learn how to be able to snap one picture and have it speak 1,000 words.  The camera I will be using is a Nikon D5100.  

My favorite book: Looking for Alaska by John Green
Favorite music: 60's music and rock (AC/DC, Guns n' Roses, Queen, The Beatles, The XX, Coldplay, Eyes Set to Kill,… )

I don't really have a favorite photographer.  I think there are many photographers who are unique and have great skill.  Each photograph is beautiful in its own way.  Recently I found a photographer named, Carra Sykes.  She has a photograph series called: Mother + Daughter. This is my favorite right now:

I encourage you to check out the rest! It's AWESOME.  Mother +Daughter


  1. nice mother daughter shot where in Italy? I spent some time bouncing around Italy

  2. My parents and family are from down south Calabria, a town called Cosenza. I studied abroad in Florence. I travelled most of Italy (Tuscany, Perugia, Umbria, Calabria, and down south) expect the top north like Udine ecc. But my favorite place to visit each time I visit family is Rome, theres something about Rome that's awesome. This summer me and my dad are planning to travel (by car) Germany and hopefully go through Prague and then to Italy. Prague is next on my list, it kind of gives off a creepy gothic vibe.
